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TOP 10

Top 10 reasons to hire someone with a criminal background




Studies show that workers with criminal records are more productive! Grateful for the work, they work hard to prove their worth and loyalty. In other words, providing work for the justice-involved is not a handout. Employers who have opened their doors to hiring this segment of society have often found them to be the hardest working members of their team.



Because finding employment is difficult, studies show that justice-involved people remain employed longer than the average employee. Once hired they are not likely to quit, and are highly motivated to become long time workers.


peace of mind

Contrary to common fears, there has been no links found between hiring a justice-involved person and an increase in crime, violence, theft or dishonesty in the workplace. There is also no significant difference in employment termination rates of those with and without criminal records.



Thanks to tax credits and a flexible cost structure, Opportunity’s recruitment service is incredibly cost effective. Depending on the employer, it can even be free! Also, as a 501(c)(3) Non Profit, all donations and contributions are tax deductible.



Depending on the work being offered, the candidate may have already received corresponding training. Most receive training while incarcerated that may be transferable to the job.



Hiring the formerly incarcerated strengthens families and communities. More jobs for the justice-involved means less public assistance, more support for their children, and engaged members of a local economy.



Steady, gainful employment is the leading factor in preventing recidivism – a return to crime and imprisonment.


job openings

Finding and retaining hardworking, loyal employees has become one of the biggest concerns for employers. And yet, those very same qualities they seek can be found in a large group who are very eager to work.



70 million Americans (1 in 3 in the workforce) have a criminal record, and 700,000 are released each year. Nearly 20 million of those have a felony, and are 3-5 times more likely to be unemployed.


social responsibility

Even if hiring for purely selfish reasons (See #1 and #2!) employers who are willing to hire those with criminal records are telling the world that the formerly incarcerated should be treated well – that they can pay their debt to society, are forgiven for their mistakes, and deserve a chance.

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